Register and Privacy Policy
This is Myelin LLC's register and data protection statement and policy following the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Company /Data controller
Myelin Oy (3357767-4)
Postal address Annankatu 5 C 17, 00120 Helsinki, Finland
Matthew Croxford
Name of the register
Customer Register
Legal basis and purpose of the processing of personal data
The legal basis for the processing of personal data under the EU General Data Protection Regulation is:
- the consent of the individual,
- a contract to which the data subject is a party; and
- legitimate interest of the controller
The purpose of processing personal data is to contact customers, maintain customer relations and marketing.
The data will not be used for automated decision-making or profiling.
Data content of the register
The data stored in the register may include name, position, company/organization, contact details (phone number,email address, address), website addresses, the IP address of the network connection, social media accounts/profiles, information on ordered services and changes thereto, billing information and other information related to the customer relationship and ordered services.
The data will be processed for the time necessary for the performance of the customer relationship or the contract concluded and for longer periods for archiving purposes for legitimate reasons (e.g., contracts).
The IP addresses of visitors to the website and the cookies necessary for the functioning of the service are processed for legitimate interests, such as ensuring data security and collecting statistics on visitors to the website in cases where they can be considered as personal data. Other cookies and similar tracking technologies are processed based on consent.
Cookies are used on our website primarily to improve and personalize your experience, aswell as for analysis and to improve the functionality and content of the site. Visitors to our website have the option to block the use of cookies by changing their browser settings. However, this may affect the functionality and user experience of the site.
Regular sources of information
The information stored in the register is obtained from the customer through, for example, messages sent via the contact form on the company's website, email, telephone, social media services, contracts, customer meetings, enrolment in online courses and other situations where the customer provideshis/her information.
Information about contacts of companies and other organizations may also be collected frompublic sources such as websites, directory services and other companies.
Regular disclosures and transfers of data outside the EU or EEA
There is no regular disclosure ofdata to other parties. Data may be published to the extent agreed with thecustomer.
Data may also be transferred outsidethe EU or EEA (e.g. through cloud computing, webpage or online course platform(s)).
For services provided by thirdparties used by the company, the register and privacy policy and terms of usecan be found as follows:
Online coursesand related services Kajabi:
PayPal, the provider of payment services for online courses:
Webflow, the provider of the web pages:
LinkedIn: User Agreement | LinkedIn,
Instagram: Terms of Use | Instagram Help Center,
Facebook: Facebook
Microsoft 365:
If the customerdoes not accept the processing, disclosure and transfer of the data and theterms and conditions of the services provided by the third party used by thecompany, the use of Myelin LLC's services, website, social media sites andonline courses must be discontinued.
Principles for the protection of the register
The register isprocessed and stored with due care and the data processed by the informationsystems are adequately protected. Stored data, server access rights and otherinformation critical to the security of personal data are treatedconfidentially and only by those whose job description includes it. The companyuses cloud computing and standard digital office tools (e.g. Microsoft 365).
Right of inspection and right to request correction of information
Every person in the register has theright to check the information stored in the register and to request thecorrection of any inaccurate information or the completion of incomplete information.If a person wishes to check or request the correction of data stored about himor her, the request must be sent in writing (registered or certified mail) tothe Company/Controller. The Company/Controller may, if necessary, ask theapplicant to prove his or her identity.
Other rights related to the processing of personal data
A person in the register has the right to request the erasure ofpersonal data concerning him or her from the register ("right to beforgotten"). Data subjects also have other rights under the EU GeneralData Protection Regulation, such as the restriction of the processing ofpersonal data in certain circumstances. Requests should be sent in writing(registered or certified mail) to the Company/Controller. The Company/Controllermay, if necessary, ask the applicant to prove his or her identity.
@2023 Myelin LLC (15.8.2023)